Documentchain Block-Explorer (Testnet)
Block 88001 (Testnet)
hash | 00034dff7b291200bb5990038234a438102faf5f7109d35f9d7eda693ee1b9eb |
confirmations | 104885 |
size | 287 |
height | 88001 |
version | 536870912 |
versionHex | 20000000 |
merkleroot | 856328cc281e0bf366033e4a3b61f3ae179ac8178d647c32076031c318b42b31 |
time | |
nonce | 1655 |
bits | 1f03f6b1 |
difficulty | 3.8496338603984E-6 |
previousblockhash | 0001c3b76a719746174e98fbb78d995bfcc105764bbbf8d206774f99deb9416c |
nextblockhash | 000375d787fb619ea53ddf9529edfd73053202ccf60a5bff67e18881a1d4f961 |
tx | 856328cc281e0bf366033e4a3b61f3ae179ac8178d647c32076031c318b42b31 Special tx 5: cbTx Coinbase, Masternode List Merkle Proof 18* -> tLZXv5ynhogDrrJStHSWxH5TQ1qBPHnCJ7 12* -> tKcQ44zyttmXTSD3WpSEWS47F7xegcUgXs |
Change of block reward from 40 to 30 Coins (Code) |
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